FrostS Fine Art


I have a selection of high quality prints and original paintings for sale and I am available for commissions. Please contact me for further information.
Artist at work
The changing weather and seasons and their effects on light and shade are the source of inspiration for my art. I am originally from England, but am currently living in Lower Austria together with my wife and daughter. The stunning local area provides many changing moods and vistas, and I am particularly interested in depicting light and shadows in summer and autumn scenes.
I primarily paint with watercolours and acrylics; the fluidity of watercolours is wonderful for capturing changing skies and water, whereas I use acrylics to build up very detailed pictures.

I am particularly influenced by the French Impressionist movement, by artists such as Renoir - known for showing dappled light - and by Seurat for his theories on Pointillism and complimentary colour theory. But I also draw on the long history of English landscape artists such as Constable and Turner.
Mittelberg Vineyards detail
Detail from "Mittelberg Vineyards"
Rouen Cathedral detail
Detail from "Rouen Cathédrale en fleur"
Durnstein Reflections detail
Detail from "Dürnstein Reflections"